





1. 研究领域与方向

    (1) 油气田开发地质与工程:非常规油气(页岩气、煤层气等)开发工程,包括油气藏地质评价、压裂开发-排采理论与工艺、油气藏储层保护等。

    (2) 水文地质学:矿山地下水优势通道探测与模拟。

2. 学习与工作经历




3. 科研、教学及学术活动


4. 近年主持承担的主要科研项目

(1) 国家自然科学基金地区项目(42462020),基于气水交互驱动的页岩气储层微纳米孔隙排采机制研究——以正安常压页岩气井为例,2025.1.1-2028.12.31,主持。

(2) 贵州省科技厅计划项目(自然科学一般类型),页岩气井预注CO2增压预防井间压窜机理研究,黔科合基础-ZK2022】一般10610万元,2022.4.01-2025.3.31,主持。

(3) 贵州省油气勘查开发工程研究院,低产井煤储层液-固微观机理实验测试和物理模拟测试,2024.4.1-2025.6.31,主持。

(4) 贵州盘江煤层气开发利用有限责任公司,多煤层增储分异化排采关键技术研究,2024.10.1-2025.12.31,主持。

(5) 贵州省煤层气专项子课题子任务,煤层气井合采全过程动态评价及智能控制,2021.1.1-2023.12.31,主持。

(6) 贵州盘江煤层气开发利用有限责任公司,基于人工智能的煤层气多层合采产能预测及排采策略研究,2022.1.1-2022.12.31,主持。

(7) 贵州大学一流学科特聘人才引进项目,贵州页岩气开发地质特征及战略建议贵大特岗合字(2020) 70282525万元,2021.04—2023.10,主持

(8) 国家重点研发贵州省配套项目子课题岩溶地区矿山地下水污染防控技术体系>岩溶地区矿山水文地质调查及优势水力通道探测,2021.01-2024.12主持

(9) 中国石油大学,页岩渗吸及对原位气水赋存能力影响程度评估测试,2023.10.1-2024.3.31,主持。

5. 学术成果

 文  章:

[1] Ke Wang*, Haitao Li, Junchao Wang, et al. Predicting production and estimated ultimate recoveries for shale gas wells: A new methodology approach. Applied Energy, 2017, 206:1416-1431.

[2] Ke Wang*, Beibei Jiang, Haitao Li, et al. Rapid and accurate evaluation of reserves in different types of shale gas wells: production decline analysis. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2020, 218: 103359.

[3] Ke Wang*, Kairui Ye, Beibei Jiang, et al. The mechanism of gas-water extraction in micro- and nanoscale pores in shale gas reservoirs: Based on gas-water interactions. Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 248: 117259.

[4] Ke Wang*, Beibei Jiang, Haitao Li, et al. Spontaneous imbibition model for micro- nano-scale pores in shale gas reservoirs considering gas–water interaction. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 209: 109893.

[5] Ke Wang*, Kairui Ye, Beibei Jiang, et al. Mechanism of the production impact in shale gas wells caused by water invasion during interwell interference. ACS Omega, 2021, 6: 35821-35829.

[6] Ke Wang *, Zhixuan Li, Kairui Ye, et al. A new dynamic imbibition model for penny-shaped blind pores in shale gas well. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022, 101, 104553.

[7] Ke Wang, Yi Lou, Baofeng Lan, et al. A new method to calculate the effect of fracturing fluid imbibition on adsorbed gas content for shale gas reservoir. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2023, 229, 212112.

[8] Ke wang *, Fuwei Shi, Yi Lou, et al. A new multi-scale pore transport capacity model considering elliptical shape and retention effect of unequal-thickness water films. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 16, 105197.

[9] Haitao Li, Ke Wang*, Jiang Xie, et al. A new mathematical model to calculate sand-packed fracture conductivity. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 35: 567-582.

[10] Fuwei Shi, Ke wang *, Yi Lou, et al. Influence of Imbibition Fracturing Fluid on the Original Water and Methane Occurrence in Actual Coalbed Methane Reservoirs Using the Integrated Device of Displacement and Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Langmuir, 2024, 40, 3063-3073.

[11] Zhixuan Li, Ke Wang*, Yi Lou, et al. Effect of water on effective pore structures for medium-rank coal: based on pre-freezing nitrogen adsorption-desorption experiment. ACS Omega, 2023,8, 42379-42389.

[12] Xianyu Shao, Ke Wang, Lingyun Zhao, et al.Effects of salinity and driving pressure on water imbibition during shale formation. Capillarity, 2024, 3(11): 70-80.

[13] Zheng Sun, Ke Wang, Zhaopeng Yang, et al. Molecular dynamics simulation of nanoconfined methane flow through realistic organic shale matrix. Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Brisbane, Australia, November 2019.

[14] 李海涛,王科*,张庆,等. 容积法计算页岩气井改造区域OGIP的方法修正及应用. 天然气工业201737(11): 61-69. 

[15] 李海涛,王科*,补成中,等. 预测页岩气单井产量及最终储量的经验法分析. 特种油气藏201926(3): 74-78. 

[16] 王科*,李海涛,李留杰,等. 3种常用页岩气井经验递减方法—以四川盆地威远区块为例. 天然气地球科学201930(7): 946-954.

[17] 王科*,卢双舫,娄毅,等. 压裂液渗吸与富气页岩气井典型生产规律的关系剖析. 特种油气藏, 202431(3)158-166.

 专  利:

[1] 李海涛,王科,等. 一种测量受压堆积砂体孔隙度及颗粒破碎率的装置及方法ZL201610238161.3,发明专利,授权.

[2] 王科,李海涛,等. 一种预测页岩气/致密气井可采储量的新方法ZL201710416291.6,,发明专利,授权.

[3] 李海涛,王科,等. 一种模拟页岩气压后单缝返排的实验装置及方法ZL201510716601.7,发明专利,授权.

[4] 李海涛,王科,等. 一种水平井自动控水阀ZL201710653223.1,发明专利,授权.

[5] 王科,李海涛,等. 一种模拟多段压裂水平气井闷井后开采的实验装置和方法ZL201910163029.4,发明专利,授权.

[6] 李海涛,王科,等. 一种旋流分液型自动控水阀ZL201721171785.4,实用新型专利,授权.